This study examined the nature and extent of adolescent siblings' supportiv
e roles and the conditions under which siblings provide support to one anot
her about familial and nonfamilial issues. Data were collected from 185 ado
lescent firstborn (M age = 16 years) and secondborn (M age = 13 years) sibl
ing pairs. In home interviews, siblings reported on family experiences and
psychosocial functioning during the past year. In a series of 7 evening tel
ephone interviews, siblings reported on their shared daily activities. Find
ings suggested that both older and younger siblings view older siblings as
sources of support about nonfamilial issues such as social and scholastic a
ctivities and that siblings assume equally supportive roles about familial
issues. Further, the results suggested that family background characteristi
cs, sibling relationship qualities, and adolescents' psychosocial functioni
ng were linked to the nature and extent of sibling support.