Activated T cells and their naive precursors display different functional a
vidities for peptide/MHC, but are thought to have identical antigenic reper
toires. We show that, following activation with a cognate mimotope (NRP), d
iabetogenic CD8(+) T cells expressing a single TCR (8.3) respond vigorously
to numerous peptide analogs of NRP that were unable to elicit any response
s from naive 8.3-CD8(+) T cells, even at high concentrations. The NRP-react
ive, in vivo activated CD8(+) cells arising in pancreatic islets of nonobes
e diabetic mice are similarly promiscuous for peptide/MHC, and paradoxicall
y this promiscuity expands as the aviditiy of the T cell population for NRP
/MHC increases with age. Thus, activation and avidity maturation of T lymph
ocyte populations can lead to dramatic expansions in the range of peptides
that elicit functional T cell responses.