C1q deficiency strongly predisposes to the development of systemic lupus er
ythematosus in humans and mice. We used the model of accelerated nephrotoxi
c nephritis in C1q-deficient mice to explore the mechanisms behind these as
sociations. C1q-deficient mice developed severe glomerular thrombosis withi
n 4 days of induction of disease, whereas wild-type mice developed mild inj
ury. These findings suggest that C1q protects from immune-mediated glomerul
ar injury. This exacerbated thrombosis was also seen in mice triply deficie
nt in C1q, factor B, and C2, excluding a major pathogenic role for the alte
rnative pathway of complement in this phenomenon. However, these mice did n
ot develop elevated creatinine levels. No exacerbation of accelerated nephr
otoxic nephritis was observed in mice doubly deficient in factor B and C2,
suggesting a protective role for C1q against renal inflammation that is pro
ximal to C2 activation. There were increased murine IgG deposits, neutrophi
l numbers, and apoptotic cells in the glomeruli of C1q-deficient mice compa
red with wild-type mice. Renal expression of genes encoding procoagulant pr
oteins was also enhanced in C1q-deficient mice. The increased IgG deposits
and apoptotic cells in the glomeruli of C1q-deficient mice suggest that the
exacerbation of disease may be due to a defect in the clearance of immune
complexes and/or apoptotic cells from their kidneys.