Research and services to address premature termination from batterers' prog
rams (BPs) are limited by arbitrary definitions of dropout and completion.
A continuous measure was used to evaluate predictors of attendance by men i
n a BP. As part of a larger study, men (n = 220) completed measures of phys
ical violence, prior arrests, and current psychological functioning; and wo
men (n = 158) completed telephone interviews regarding their partner's viol
ence and program continuance. Results indicate that BP clients attended an
average of 11.3 out of 20 required sessions. Regression analyses indicate t
hat men who were less educated, unemployed at intake, not court ordered to
attend, and those who reported a history of alcohol-related problems comple
ted fewer sessions. Staff ratings provide preliminary information about men
's engagement in groups, help seeking, and willingness to accept responsibi
lity: Results are consistent with psychotherapy research suggesting that so
cial factors such as class status and instability interfere with attendance