The current study examines whether perpetrator type predicts impact of sexu
al assault. Women reporting a prior sexual assault by a cohabiting or marit
al partner, sexually intimate partner, nonsexual date, or acquaintance were
compared on impact of event and current sexual satisfaction. Analyses show
ed group differences for impact of the event. Individuals in a cohabiting,
marital, or acquaintance relationship reported more hyperarousal than did i
ndividuals in a dating or sexually intimate relationship. Additionally, mar
ried and cohabiting victims reported more hyperarousal than did women in th
e acquaintance group. Individuals sexually assaulted by a married or cohabi
ting partner reported more intrusive symptoms titan did individuals in a da
ting or sexually intimate relationship. Furthermore, women in a sexually in
timate relationship with their perpetrator reported lower intrusion scores
titan did individuals assaulted by an acquaintance.