Using the projection operator technique, the exact homogeneous generalized
master equation (HGME) for the relevant part of a distribution function (st
atistical operator) is derived. The exact (mass) operator governing the evo
lution of the relevant part of a distribution function and comprising arbit
rary initial correlations is found. Neither the Bogolyubov principle of wea
kening of initial correlations with time nor any other approximation such a
s random phase approximation has been used to obtain the HGME. These approx
imations are usually used to derive the approximate homogeneous equation fo
r the relevant part of a distribution function from the conventional exact
generalized master equation (GME), which has a source containing the irrele
vant part (initial correlations). The HGME does not have a source and conta
ins only the linear, relative to the relevant part of a distribution functi
on, terms of the GME modified by the dynamics of initial correlations. The
obtained equation is valid on any timescale, for any initial moment of time
and any initial correlations. In particular, it describes the short-time b
ehaviour and allows for treating the influence of initial correlations cons
istently. As an example, we have considered a dilute gas of classical parti
cles. By selecting the appropriate projection operator, we have derived the
homogeneous equation for a one-particle distribution function retaining in
itial correlations in the linear approximation on the small density paramet
er and for the space homogeneous case. This equation allows for considering
all stages of the time evolution. It converts into the conventional Boltzm
ann equation on the appropriate timescale if the contribution of all initia
l correlations vanishes on this timescale.