We present the exact solution for a set of nonlinear algebraic equations 1/
zl = pid + 2d/n Sigma (m not equall) 1/z(l)-z(m). These were encountered by
us in a recent study of the low-energy spectrum of the Heisenberg ferromag
netic chain. These equations are low-d (density) 'degenerations' of a more
complicated transcendental equation of Bethe's ansatz for a ferromagnet, bu
t are interesting in themselves. They generalize, through a single paramete
r, the equations of Stieltjes, x(l) = Sigma (m not equall) 1/(x(l) - x(m)),
familiar from random matrix theory. It is shown that the solutions of thes
e set of equations are given by the zeros of generalized associated Laguerr
e polynomials. These zeros are interesting, since they provide one of the f
ew known cases where the location is along a nontrivial curve in the comple
x plane that is determined in this work. Using a 'Green function' and a sad
dle point technique we determine the asymptotic distribution of zeros.