Purpose: We investigated the effects of didactic teaching and supervised ha
nds-on practice on endourological skills using high fidelity genitourinary
bench models at a surgical skills laboratory. We also validated a global ra
ting scale and checklist designed specifically for endourological tasks.
Materials and Methods: We assessed 17 urology residents for the ability to
remove a mid ureteral stone using a high fidelity genitourinary model on 3
occasions, including a pre-test at the beginning of the study to assess bas
eline skills, after a didactic teaching session and after a supervised prac
tice session on high fidelity models. Performance was graded according to a
global rating scale, checklist, pass rating and time needed to complete ta
Results: Senior residents achieved significantly higher pre-test global rat
ing scores than junior residents (p < 0.01). One-way repeated measures anal
ysis of variance revealed a significant effect of training on the endoscopi
c global rating score (p < 0.001). Post-hoc tests demonstrated significant
improvement in the global rating scores from the pre-test to the post-didac
tic session (p < 0.05) and from the post-didactic to the post-practice sess
ion (p < 0.01). Interrater reliability using the global rating scale was hi
gh (Pearson's r = 0.82, p < 0.01). Significant but less powerful results we
re observed in the checklist score, pass rating and time.
Conclusions: There was a positive effect of training at the surgical skills
laboratory on endourological skills. The global rating scale showed good c
onstruct validity and reliability for assessing endourological tasks, more
so than the checklist, pass rating or time.