Purpose: We studied the long-term effects of complete unilateral ureteral o
bstruction on the extracellular matrix composition of the fetal kidney inte
rstitium in neonatal opossums.
Materials and Methods: We created complete left ureteral obstruction in 2-w
eek-old opossum pups. Sham operated animals served as controls. A total of
12 animals were sacrificed 2, 3 and 5 weeks after obstruction, and the kidn
eys were harvested. Resultant tissue sections were prepared for light and e
lectron microscopy, and immunohistochemical testing for a-smooth muscle act
ion (SMA), fibronectin, laminin and type IV collagen. In situ hybridization
was done to determine interstitial collagen type 1. Western blot analysis
was performed on single kidney protein extracts for alpha -SMA, fibronectin
and laminin.
Results: Light microscopy revealed established interstitial fibrosis and tu
bular atrophy 2 weeks after obstruction which increased with the duration o
f obstruction. Electron microscopy showed an increased number of interstiti
al fibroblasts, increased extracellular lucent substance and thin collagen
fibrils. The tubular basement membranes were irregular and thickened compar
ed with the continuous and even contours in controls. The deposition of a-S
MA, fibronectin, collagen types I and type IV were markedly increased in th
e interstitium compared with controls and were highest at 5 weeks. Type IV
collagen was associated with aberrant peritubular capillaries within the sc
arred interstitium. There were no appreciable differences in laminin expres
sion in obstructed and sham operated kidneys.
Conclusions: Experimental obstruction in opossums alters the cell phenotype
, extracellular matrix and microcapillary composition in the fetal kidney i
nterstitium. Biosynthetic properties of the interstitial fibroblasts in obs
tructed kidneys appear similar to those of undifferentiated mesenchyma befo
re the induction of nephrons. We propose that these aberrant extracellular
matrices coincident with cytoarchitectural disturbance may form a faulty sc
affold that hampers normal kidney development secondary to complete unilate
ral ureteral obstruction.