Purpose: The Malone antegrade continence enema provides independence and im
proved quality of life in patients with fecal incontinence or intractable c
onstipation. However, isolated reports of fatal hypernatremia after irrigat
ion with normal saline have raised safety concerns about frequent colonic i
rrigation in children. Significant electrolyte abnormalities have also been
reported with hypertonic phosphate and high colonic tap water enemas. Beca
use our patients routinely use tap water for Malone antegrade continence en
ema irrigations, we examined the safety profile of this practice
Materials and Methods: In the last 3.5 years 71 patients at our institution
have used antegrade tap water enemas for managing fecal incontinence or in
tractable constipation. Standard serum electrolytes were measured
Results: We obtained 101 sets of serum electrolyte measurements in 71 patie
nts at a mean of 8.4 months postoperatively (range 1 to 33). A girl who pre
sented with severe hyponatremia and hypochloremia had not used the Malone a
ntegrade continence enema for several days. The most interesting finding wa
s significantly elevated sodium and chloride in 1 case 6 weeks after surger
y that was associated with tap water treated with a home softening system.
Electrolytes reverted to normal 1 week after using untreated tap water
Conclusions: We did not detect significant hyponatremia or hypochloremia in
any patient using tap water for Malone antegrade continence enema irrigati
on. Although dangerous electrolyte abnormalities are rare, potential morbid
ity in those cases warrants periodic evaluation. Due to the elevated sodium
content in softened tap water families should be alerted to use untreated
tap water for preparing enemas.