Invasive micropapillary carcinoma (IMPCa) of breast is histologically chara
cterized by growth of cohesive tumor cell clusters within prominent clear s
paces resembling dilated angiolymphatic vessels. In this study, eighty thre
e breast carcinomas with IMPCa differentiation were identified by review of
the invasive carcinoma cases in our institution and correlated retrospecti
vely with standard clinicopathologic parameters and survival status relativ
e to a control series of cases (mean follow up 7 years). IMPCa growth patte
rn was present in 6% of all breast carcinomas; it was generally a focal com
ponent in otherwise typical invasive ductal carcinoma. It comprised more th
an 80% of the total neoplasm in only 10 cases (12%), 50-80% of the neoplasm
in 7 cases (8%), 20-50% of the neoplasm in 22 cases (26%) and less than 20
% in 44 cases (53%). The mean tumor size was 4 cm, 22% invaded skin, and 58
% were poorly differentiated, but 71% were ER positive. Axillary node metas
tases were present in 77% of cases, were typically multiple (51% had three
or more positive), and usually contained an IMPCa component (81% of the cas
es). There was no significant difference in node status, ER status, size, t
umor grade, or peritumoral angiolymphatic invasion between tumors with pred
ominant (more than 50%) v/s focal IMPCa components. In both groups 46% of t
he patients died from their disease (mean interval to death = 36m). Skin in
volvement and nodal status were the only parameters which predicted poor su
rvival (P = .01). The outcome of patients with IMPCa did not differ signifi
cantly from infiltrating ductal carcinomas of similar node status. In concl
usion, our results suggest that IMPCa growth pattern may be a manifestation
of aggressive behavior, as shown by frequent skin invasion and extensive n
odal involvement. However, clinico-pathologic features and outcome of IMPCa
are not strongly dependent on the relative amount of micropapillary compon