A 77-year-old man presented with decreased mental status and an enhancing p
artially cystic tumor along the left tentorium on magnetic resonance imagin
g after mastoidectomy and petrosectomy for an "auditory canal tumor." Smear
s of the aspirated cyst fluid revealed rare epithelial cell clusters, some
with papillary features, foamy macrophages, and blood. The cells were order
ly, with fairly bland nuclei and well-defined cell borders. The cell block
contained similar epithelium, with cells containing eosinophilic and focall
y vacuolated cytoplasm, some with pigmented granules resembling hemosiderin
. Numerous foam cells were also present. Review of the patient's previous a
nd concurrent resection material showed an endolymphatic sac tumor, a rare
neoplasm that arises in the endolymphatic sac in the temporal bone. The pre
viously undescribed cytologic features of this rare neoplasm are discussed.