The mitochondrial tRNA gene for lysine was analyzed in 11 different marsupi
al mammals. Whereas its location is conserved when compared with other vert
ebrate mitochondrial genomes, its primary sequence and inferred secondary s
tructure are highly unusual and variable. For example, eight species lack t
he expected anticodon. Because the corresponding transcripts a-re not alter
ed by any RNA-editing mechanism, the lysyl-tRNA gene seems to represent a m
itochondrial pseudogene. Purification of marsupial mitochondria, and in vit
ro aminoacylation of isolated tRNAs with lysine, followed by analysis of am
inoacylated tRNAs, show that a nuclear-encoded tRNA(Lys) is associated with
marsupial mitochondria. We conclude that a functional tRNA(Lys) encoded in
the nuclear genome is imported into mitochondria in marsupials. Thus, tRNA
import is not restricted to plant, yeast, and protozoan mitochondria but a
lso occurs also in mammals.