The observed dynamic behaviour of motorcycles suggests that interesting and
significant motions occur that are not currently understood. The most elab
orate modelling exercise completed so far has produced results that need co
nfirmation and extension. The construction of these models necessitates the
use of automated methods and one such modelling methodology is described.
The automated model building platform that was used here is AutoSim. This c
ode was used to generate a variety of linear and nonlinear models in symbol
ic form. The relatively complex geometry of the steering system and the fro
nt tyre force system is discussed in detail and a new method of checking th
e self-consistency of the model is described and exploited. Sample results
in the form of root-locus plots for small perturbations from straight runni
ng and cornering equilibrium states are presented. These are used to reprod
uce important findings from the literature. Conclusions are drawn on the ba
sis of the results presented.