The project "Dubna Electron Synchrotron" (DELSY) is aimed to construct a sy
nchrotron radiation source of the third generation at the Joint Institute f
or Nuclear Research. The DELSY synchrotron radiation source will be constru
cted on the base of the accelerator facility of the Institute for Nuclear P
hysics and High Energy Physics (NIKHEF), Amsterdam, The Netherlands. This a
ccelerator facility consists of a linear electron accelerator Medium Energy
Accelerator (MEA) for an electron energy of 700 Mev and the electron stora
ge ring Amsterdam Pulse Stretcher (AmPS) for the maximum electron energy of
900 MeV at a circulating beam current of 200 mA.
The DELSY storage ring is supposed to be constructed with the use of the Am
PS (PAC, Chicago, 1989) storage ring, the focusing system of which will be
essentially modified: the ring circumference will be approximately 1.5 time
s smaller, the electron energy will be increased up to 1.2 GeV and the focu
sing strength will be enhanced. These measures will allow one to obtain a b
eam emittance at least ten times smaller which subsequently increases the s
ynchrotron radiation brilliance by several orders of magnitude.
The rigging of the DELSY ring with the insertion devices-the superconductin
g wiggler with a magnetic field of 10 T and the so-called "vacuum hybrid mi
niundulator" is the principal feature of the new synchrotron radiation sour
ce. Both devices developed by Budker INP, Novosibirsk, will allow one to en
rich the characteristics of DELSY as a synchrotron radiation source, expand
ing its radiation spectrum in the region or the hard X-rays and increasing
its brilliance up to 3 x 10(18) photons/s/mm(2)/mrad(2)/0.1% b.w.
Now this facility is being dismounted and transferred to JINR. 3 2001 Elsev
ier Science B.V. All rights reserved.