Objective: Novel approaches to intervention in joint diseases consist of th
e replacement of diseased cartilage by in vitro engineered, viable cells or
graft tissues. Two major obstacles remain to be overcome: (1) Hyaline cart
ilage in vitro often loses differentiated traits. (2) Grafts frequently are
not integrated satisfactorily into host cartilage and/or the tissue is rem
odelled in situ into functionally inferior fibrocartilage. Therefore, we ha
ve explored the possibility whether chondrocytes embedded into agarose gels
provided better graft tissues in a repair model of full thickness defects
in rabbit joint cartilage.
Design: Experimental defects of knee joint cartilage was filled with articu
lar chondrocytes cultured in agarose gels. Chondrocytes in vitro either rem
ained unstimulated or were treated with several growth factors. Repair of t
he defects was assessed by histology and was scored between 0 (no healing)
and 1 (perfect healing) as judged by the follwing parameters: intensity of
proteoglycan staining, organization of the superficial zone, ossification a
t the border between repair cartilage and subchondral bone, tidemark format
ion in the repaired area, arrangement of chondrocytes, and integration of r
epair cartilage into host.
Results: Treatment of chondrocyte cultures with bFGF had a stabilizing effe
ct on the differentiated state of the cells in implanted grafts whereas bon
e morphogenetic proteins stimulated ingrowth of subchondral bone reducing r
epair cartilage thickness and preventing normal tide mark formation; TGF-be
ta did not significantly affect evaluation parameters in comparison with un
treated controls.
Conclusion: Growth factor treatment resulted in an ambiguous quality of gra
ft development. Only FGF had a clear beneficial effect to the graft tissues
after 1 month. Further studies are required to define the precise conditio
ns and sequence of growth factor treatment of in vitro engineered cartilage
which benefits graft quality. (C) 2001 OsteoArthritis Research Society Int