Rationale: States of heightened emotion and arousal, such as those that may
occur during crimes or traumatic accidents, can impair human memory. Anima
l models suggest that such memory alterations may be mediated by opioid neu
ropeptides. In some experimental paradigms, opioid blockade reverses memory
impairments related to arousal. Objectives: The present study evaluated th
e hypothesis that, under conditions of heightened arousal, opioid blockade
would enhance memory in human subjects. Methods: Memory for story informati
on was evaluated among subjects randomized to one of four study groups (two
orthogonal study conditions): (1) no arousal + no opioid blockade, (2) no
arousal + opioid blockade, (3) arousal + no opioid blockade, and (4) arousa
l + opioid blockade. Both free recall and recognition memory were assessed.
Opioid receptor blockade was achieved using a single oral dose of naltrexo
ne. Results: With heightened arousal, subjects receiving naltrexone perform
ed better than those receiving placebo on tests of total and incidental rec
ognition memory. In contrast, with emotionally neutral stimuli, naltrexone
subjects performed worse than placebo subjects. Conclusions: These findings
demonstrate that opioid peptides mediate alterations in specific aspects o
f human memory during heightened emotional states, and help to explain why
memories may be selectively deficient under conditions of stress. (C) 2001
Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.