Some problems of principle in the discovery of the Coulomb gap and associat
ed experimental investigations in doped semiconductors are considered. Unde
r certain conditions the gap exists in the low-energy electron excitation s
pectrum in the insulator state of a doped semiconductor (and other disorder
ed systems) as a result of the electron-electron interaction, The Coulomb g
ap is thus closely related to low-temperature electron transport properties
, for example, in the variable-range hopping regime, and the insulator-meta
l transition phenomenon. The Coulomb gap collapses just at the critical poi
nt of the transition. reflecting a divergence of the dielectric constant. F
ar from the transition at strong and small compensations, the gap observed
is described by the Efros-Shklovskii single-electron model; at moderate com
pensations it is anomalously narrowed probably by multiple-electron correla
tions in hopping. Thus the Coulomb interaction turned out to be very import
ant for formation of the insulator state, especially at high electron densi
ties (so-called 'Coulomb glass') including the pretransition range, where t
his state disappears toward the critical point.