Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been widely used for imagi
ng brain functions. However, the extent of the fMRI hemodynamic response ar
ound the active sites, at submillimeter resolution, remains poorly understo
od and controversial. With the use of perfusion-based fMRI, we evaluated th
e hemodynamic response in the cat visual cortex after orientation-specific
stimuli. Activation maps obtained by using cerebral blood flow fMRI measure
ments were predominantly devoid of large draining vein contamination and re
producible at columnar resolution. Stimulus-specific cerebral blood flow re
sponses were spatially localized to individual cortical columns, and column
ar layouts were resolved. The periodic spacing of orientation columnar stru
ctures was estimated to be 1.1 +/- 0.2 mm (n = 14 orientations, five animal
s), consistent with previous findings. The estimated cerebral blood flow re
sponse at full width at half-maximum was 470 mum under single-stimulus cond
itions without differential subtraction. These results suggest that hemodyn
amic-based fMRI can indeed be used to map individual functional columns if
large-vessel contributions can be minimized or eliminated.