Psychopathy is characterized by diverse indicators. Clinical accounts have
emphasized 3 distinct facets: interpersonal, affective, and behavioral, Res
earch using the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), however, has emphasi
zed a 2-factor model, A review of the literature on the PCL-R and related m
easures of psychopathy, together with confirmatory factor analysis of PCL-R
data from North American participants, indicates that the 2-factor model c
annot be sustained. A 3-factor hierarchical model was developed in which a
coherent superordinate factor, Psychopathy, is underpinned by 3 factors: Ar
rogant and Deceitful Interpersonal Style, Deficient Affective Experience, a
nd Impulsive and Irresponsible Behavioral Style. The model was cross-valida
ted on North American and Scottish PCL-R data, Psychopathy Screening Versio
n data, and data derived from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Ment
al Disorders (4th ed.; American Psychiatric Association, 1994) antisocial p
ersonality disorder field trial.