\A qualitative and quantitative review of the relationship between job sati
sfaction and job performance is provided. The qualitative review is organiz
ed around 7 models that characterize past research on the relationship betw
een job satisfaction and job performance. Although some models have receive
d more support than have others, research has not provided conclusive confi
rmation or disconfirmation of any model. partly because of a lack of assimi
lation and integration in the literature. Research devoted to testing these
models waned following 2 meta-analyses of the job satisfaction-job perform
ance relationship. Because of limitations in these prior analyses and the m
isinterpretation of their findings, a new meta-analysis was conducted on 31
2 samples with a combined N of 54,417. The mean true correlation between ov
erall job satisfaction and job performance was estimated to be 30. In light
of these results and the qualitative review, an agenda for future research
on the satisfaction-performance relationship is provided.