This study examined the acute immunological effects of two laboratory stres
sors, expected to evoke distinct patterns of cardiac autonomic activity; na
mely an "active coping" time-paced memory test, and a "passive coping" stre
ssful video showing surgical operations. We measured salivary S-IgA, IgA-su
bclasses (IgA1, IgA2), and secretory component (SC). SC is responsible for
the transport of S-IgA across the epithelium, and thus a rate-determining s
tep in S-IgA secretion. Thirty-two male undergraduates were subjected to bo
th stressors and a control video (a didactic television program). The memor
y test induced a typical "fight-flight" response, characterized by increase
s in heart rate and blood pressure in association with a decrease in cardia
c preejection period (PEP) and vagal tone. The surgical video produced a "c
onservation-withdrawal"-like response, characterized by an enhanced vagal t
one, a decrease in heart rate, and a moderate sympathetic coactivation (as
indicated by a shortened PEP and an increased systolic pressure). The memor
y test induced an increase in the concentration and, to a lesser extent, in
the output of S-IgA, IgA1, and SC. The output of IgA2 was not significantl
y affected. For the surgical video, a different pattern emerged: During str
essor exposure S-IgA remained unaffected, against the background of a small
increase in SC output. However. 10 min after the surgical video S-IgA leve
ls had decreased. This decrease in S-IgA was paralleled by a decrease in Ig
A1, but not IgA2. We conclude that acute stress can have both enhancing and
suppressive effects on secretory immunity, the IgA1 Subclass in particular
. The mechanisms that underlie these divergent responses may include stress
or-specific patterns of autonomic activation.