Orthotopic liver transplantation has become the treatment of choice for pat
ients with end-stage nonmalignant liver disease. The surgical techniques an
d immunosuppressive therapy for this procedure have improved considerably.
Nevertheless, there are still significant complications, particularly those
of vascular origin, which can lead to graft failure and require retranspla
ntation unless prompt treatment is instituted. These complications include
arterial and venous thrombosis and stenosis; arterial pseudoaneurysm; bilia
ry leakage stricture and obstruction; liver ischemia, infarction, and absce
ss; fluid collections and hematomas; lymphoproliferative disorders; recurre
nt tumors; hepatitis C virus infection; and splenic infarction. Since the c
linical presentation of posttransplantation complications is frequently non
specific and varies widely, imaging studies are critical for early diagnosi
s. Helical computed tomography (CT) is a valuable complement to ultrasonogr
aphy (US) in the postoperative period and is a safe, accurate, and noninvas
ive method of demonstrating hepatic vessels (hepatic artery, portal vein, h
epatic veins, and inferior vena Cava) and evaluating nonvascular complicati
ons (in the hepatic parenchyma and bile duct abnormalities) and extrahepati
c tissues. Knowledge and early recognition of these complications is essent
ial for graft salvage, and CT can provide valuable information, particularl
y for patients with indeterminate US results or in whom US examination is d