The musculoskeletal fibromatoses comprise a wide range of lesions with a co
mmon histopathologic appearance. They can be divided into two major groups:
superficial and deep. The superficial fibromatoses are typically small, sl
ow-growing lesions and include palmar fibromatosis., plantar fibromatosis,
juvenile aponeurotic fibroma, and infantile digital fibroma. The deep fibro
matoses are commonly large, may grow rapidly, and are more aggressive. They
include infantile myofibromatosis, fibromatosis colli, extraabdominal desm
oid tumor and aggressive, infantile fibromatosis. Radiographs typically rev
eal a nonspecific soft-tissue mass, and calcification is common only in juv
enile aponeurotic fibroma. Advanced imaging (ultrasonography, computed tomo
graphy, and magnetic resonance [MR] imaging) demonstrates lesion extent. In
volvement of adjacent structures is common, reflecting the infiltrative gro
wth pattern often seen in these lesions. MR imaging may show characteristic
features of prominent low to intermediate signal intensity and bands of lo
w signal intensity representing highly collagenized tissue. However, fibrom
atoses with less Collagen and more cellularity may have nonspecific high si
gnal intensity on T2-weighted images. Local recurrence is frequent after su
rgical resection due to the aggressive lesion growth. It is important for r
adiologists to recognize the imaging characteristics of musculo skeletal fi
bromatoses to help guide the often difficult and protracted therapy and man
agement of these lesions.