Typical radiologic findings of a pulmonary metastasis include multiple roun
d variable-sized nodules and diffuse thickening of interstitium. In daily p
ractice, however, atypical radiologic features of metastases are often enco
untered that make distinction of metastases from other non-malignant pulmon
ary diseases difficult. A detailed knowledge of the atypical radiologic fea
tures of a pulmonary metastasis with a good understanding of the histopatho
logic background is essential for correct diagnosis. Squamous cell carcinom
a is regarded as the most common cell type of a cavitating metastasis, but
metastatic nodules from adenocarcinomas and sarcomas also cavitate occasion
ally. Calcification can occur in a metastatic sarcoma or adenocarcinoma, wh
ich makes differentiation from a benign granuloma or hamartoma difficult. P
eritumoral hemorrhage results in areas of nodular attenuation surrounded by
a halo of ground-glass opacity. Pneumothorax commonly occurs in metastases
from an osteosarcoma. Air-space consolidation is often seen in cases of me
tastases from gastrointestinal tract malignancies. Even though tumor emboli
in pulmonary arteries can be seen at computed tomography, diagnosis is dif
ficult because they are located in small or medium arteries. A common radio
logic appearance of an endobronchial metastasis is an atelectasis. In cases
of an endobronchial or a solitary pulmonary metastasis, differentiation be
tween bronchogenic carcinoma and metastasis is difficult. Dilated vascular
structures within the mass can be seen in metastatic sarcomas. A sterilized
metastasis after chemotherapy is radiologically indistinguishable from a r
esidual viable tumor. Benign tumors such as uterine leiomyomas and giant ce
ll tumors of the bone rarely metastasize to the lung.