An air-cooled lamellar Ni-Ni3Ti eutectic alloy exhibits a Widmansttatt
en structure in the Ni matrix. The precipitates are thin plates of the
hexagonal phase Ni3Ti (DO24). Observations by high resolution electro
n microscopy (HREM) of the facetted interfaces (11 (1) over bar)Ni//(0
001)Ni3Ti show the atomic structures of misfit dislocations. A good HR
EM image has been studied in detail, enabling the core structure of a
misfit dislocation to bi:established for the first time : the dislocat
ion is associated with an interfacial ledge with a height of four clos
e-packed planes spacings and its Burgers vector is (-1/6)[112]Ni. The
theoretical analysis uses the Somigliana dislocation model (Bonnet, Lo
ubradou and Penisson, Phys. Rev. Lett., 69, 104, 1992) coupled with th
e multislice method to simulate the image contrast.