We model interplanetary H Lyman-alpha (L alpha) observations from Galileo U
VS (Ultraviolet Spectrometer) and EUVS (Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometer) (
Hord et al., 1992) and the Ulysses interstellar neutral gas (GAS) instrumen
t (Witte et al., 1992). EUVS measurements near solar maximum (max) in 1990-
1992 have a peaked brightness maximum upwind due to a rather isotropic sola
r wind charge-exchange ionization pattern (A=0-0.25). GAS measurements from
solar minimum (min) in 1997 have a plateau in the upwind direction that we
model using Ulysses SWOOPS (solar wind plasma experiment) solar min data o
n solar wind density and velocity at different heliographic latitudes. The
isotropic ionization pattern deduced from EUVS at solar max may be consiste
nt with recent SWOOPS results (McComas et al., 2000b, c) that high speed so
lar wind is absent at high latitudes during solar max. Galileo and Ulysses
L alpha data favor higher H temperatures (15 000-18 000 K) than previous mo