The most common mutation causing Friedreich ataxia (FRDA), an autosoma
l recessive neurodegenerative disease, is the hyperexpansion of a poly
morphic GAA triplet repeat localized within an Alu sequence (GAA-Alu)
in the first intron of the frataxin (X25) gene. GAA-Alu belongs to the
AluSx subfamily and contains several polymorphisms in strong linkage
disequilibrium either with a subgroup of normal alleles, or with hyper
expanded FRDA-associated alleles. GAA repeat sizes in 300 normal chrom
osomes (97 from carriers and 203 from controls) were distributed in tw
o separate groups: 83% of them contained between six and 10 triplets (
small normal alleles), while the remaining 17% had more than 12 triple
ts, up to 36 (large normal alleles). Sequence analysis showed that no
normal, stable allele contained more than 27 uninterrupted GAA triplet
s. All longer normal alleles were interrupted by a hexanucleotide repe
at (GAGGAA). An allele containing an uninterrupted run of 34 GAA tripl
ets was stably transmitted in four instances, but in one case underwen
t hyperexpansion to 650 triplets. Overall, our results suggest that th
e FRDA-associated expanded GAA repeats originate from normal alleles b
y recurrent expansions of alleles at risk.