We reviewed 188 cases of Hurthle cell tumor of the thyroid (HCT) between 19
82 and 1996. There were 160 women and 28 men with a mean age of 51.8 years.
Thirty-one of the patients had cancer, and the others had adenoma. Age, si
ze of the primary tumor, and preoperative thyroglobulin level were not sign
ificantly different in the cancer and adenoma patients. The gender ratio, h
owever, was significantly different (p < 0.05). Recurrent HCT was observed
in three patients with adenoma. Two patients had subcutaneous recurrence (s
uspected implantation), and the other patient had recurrence in the residua
l thyroid gland. All patients with recurrence of adenoma underwent partial
lobectomy at the initial operation. Three cancer patients had recurrent dis
ease. Locoregional recurrence was observed in one patient and distant metas
tases in two patients (lung in one, lung and bone in one). One of the patie
nts with distant metastasis died from the disease, and the other is alive w
ith the disease. Tumor implantation was observed in patients with adenoma,
so intraoperative handling of the tumor requires care. It also means that t
his tumor, even though benign, is aggressive in terms of proliferative acti
vity. All patients with Hurthle cell tumor should be treated by total lobec
tomy at least. The outcome of the cancer patients was not as poor as in pre
vious reports.