A register-based study of the impact of obstetric and neonatal care on stil
lbirth and neonatal death rate was performed on all births in Sweden in 198
3-1995. Each birth was assigned to a primary delivery hospital where the mo
ther with a term singleton pregnancy was most likely to have been delivered
(not possible for 25% of the deliveries), and the catchment areas of each
hospital were classified according to the level of care of that hospital. O
nly small differences in total mortality existed between the different leve
ls of care of the primary hospital: areas served by primary hospitals with
obstetric service and resources for neonatal intensive care including conti
nuous positive airway pressure but without facilities for ventilator treatm
ent for prolonged periods showed a 7% excess risk of stillbirth or neonatal
Conclusion: In areas with the lowest level of care of the primary delivery
hospitals (with no or only basic neonatal care) the total mortality was not
increased, indicating that the referral system works well. When the analys
is was repeated for specific causes of death, more marked differences were
noted, especially for death due to obstetric complications where the death
risk increased with decreasing level of care of the primary delivery hospit
al, Even though no marked differences in total mortality were seen, a furth
er reduction can be obtained by increasing referral for some specific condi