Depression during adolescence has been associated with a number of factors,
including failure to individuate (Blos, 1968), insecure attachments (Armsd
en, McCauley, Greenberg, Burke, & Mitchell, 1990), negative parental repres
entations, and object relations that lack self-other differentiation (Blatt
, Wein, Chevron, & Quinlan, 1979). The present study examined factors assoc
iated with symptoms of depression in 59 nonclinical female adolescents. Spe
cifically, the relationship between a number of theoretically related measu
res - separation-individuation, interpersonal concerns, self-critical conce
rns, attachment style, parental representations -and symptoms of depression
was investigated. The model developed was able to explain the interrelatio
nships of the variables involved in the psychological process of adolescenc
e, and their demonstrated ability to predict symptoms of depression in norm
al female adolescents.