The Great Ape Project is an international animal rights movement with the g
oal of extending rights to nonhuman primates. While the authors of this ess
ay are sympathetic with scholars who seek to ensure humane treatment for th
ese species, they are concerned with the growing tendency by those in the p
roject to draw analogies between nonhuman primates and humans with disabili
ties. It is felt that scholars in the Great Ape Project, ignoring findings
from anthropologists who have begun to study the significant sociocultural
matrix that has defined and often limited individuals with disabilities, re
ly on assumptions about disability that can be traced back to the eugenics
The authors of this essay argue that if scholars in the Great Ape Project w
ant to make comparisons between humans and apes, it should be with all huma
ns. They feel it is both unfortunate and scientifically inaccurate for thos
e in the Great Ape Project to blur the boundary between apes and people by
dehumanizing individuals with disabilities, individuals for whom human righ
ts are often the most precarious.