Nitrous acid treatment of kraft pulp has been proposed as a non-chlori
ne bleaching method. The degradation mechanism of lignin by aqueous ni
tric acid containing nitrite was studied using lignin model compounds.
The C alpha-C beta bonds of nonphenolic beta-O-4 type compounds were
cleaved during the treatment with nitric acid containing nitrite to gi
ve veratraldehyde, whereas they were stable and converted to the corre
sponding stereo isomers in the absence of nitrite. Nitration of aromat
ic rings and oxidation of side chains were discussed using some monome
ric model compounds. Veratrylglycerol-beta-guaiacyl ether labeled with
deuterium at the C alpha position gave deuterium-labeled veratraldehy
de, but did not give any dimeric alpha-carbonyl compounds. The mechani
sm proposed previously for acidic oxygenation was discussed further co
ncerning the acid-promoted conversion of nonphenolic lignin units into
alpha, beta-unsaturated structures. followed by the oxidative cleavag
e of the C alpha-C beta bonds.