Intrauterine growth retardation and neonatal transient mucocutaneous lesion
s ("transient Behcet syndrome") have been reported in pregnancies complicat
ed by Behcets disease (BD). Neonatal neurological manifestations have not b
een reported in such pregnancies. Vascular and neurological involvement is
known to worsen the prognosis in adults with BD. The clinical course and ou
tcome of a 34-weeks' gestation neonate born to a mother with BD is reported
. Progressive recovery from minimal respiratory distress syndrome was follo
wed by catastrophic presentation on 6th day of life with generalized seizur
es. Cranial ultrasound revealed multiple hyperechoic lesions in the frontal
, parietal, and periventricular regions with a few surrounded by a ring of
reduced echogenicity suggesting haemorrhage into ischemic areas. Death occu
rred after withdrawal of life support on Day 9, after extensive discussions
with parents in view of the progressive deterioration in the neonates' gen
eral condition and the cranial ultrasound findings. Strong family history o
f BD, clinical course, and laboratory results (no evidence of disseminated
intravascular coagulation, normal levels of protein C and S, absence of fac
tor V Leiden and anticardiolipin antibodies) suggested neurological manifes
tations of BD as the most probable diagnosis.