Objectives. To assess the prevalence of dental caries in a large group
of preschool children, to determine the extent to which the children
received dental treatment, to examine the association between demograp
hic and socioeconomic factors and the prevalence of caries, and to com
pare these findings with those from previous studies of preschool popu
lations in the United States. Methods. Dental caries exams were perfor
med on 5171 children ages 5 months through 4 years, and a parent or ot
her caregiver was asked to complete a questionnaire giving information
about the child and her or his household. The children were recruited
from Head Start programs; Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) nutritio
n programs; health fairs; and day care centers in a representative sam
ple of Arizona communities with populations of more than 1000 people.
Results, Of the 994 one-year-old children examined, 6.4% had caries, w
ith a mean dmft (decayed, missing [extracted due to caries], and fille
d teeth) score of 0.18. Nearly 20% of-the 2-year-olds had caries, with
a mean dmft of 0.70. Thirty-live percent of the 3-year-olds had carie
s, with a mean dmft of 1.35, and 49% of the 4-year-olds had caries, wi
th a mean dmft of 2.36. Children whose caregivers fell into the lowest
education category had a mean dmft score three times higher than thos
e with caregivers in the highest education category. Children with car
egivers in the lowest income category had a mean dmft score four times
higher than those with caregivers in the highest category. Children y
ounger than age 3 had little evidence of dental treatment, and most of
the children with caries in each age group had no filled or extracted
teeth. Conclusions. The data show that dental caries is highly preval
ent in this preschool population, with little of the disease being tre
ated. Timing of diagnostic examinations and prevention strategies for
preschool children need to be reconsidered, especially for children id
entified as having a high risk of caries.