The widespread use of ganciclovir (GCV) to treat cytomegalovirus (CNV) infe
ctions in immunosuppressed patients has led to the development of drug resi
stance. Phenotypic assays for CW drug resistance are presently too time-con
suming to be therapeutically useful. To support the development of genotypi
c assays for GCV resistance, the complete sequences of the UL97 phosphotran
sferase genes in 28 phenotypically GCV-sensitive CMV clinical isolates were
determined. The gene was found to be highly conserved, with nucleotide seq
uence identity among strains ranging from 98.6 to 100% and amino acid seque
nce identity of > 99%. Primers for a genotypic assay were designed to ampli
fy codons 400 to 707, because all known UL97 mutations conferring drug resi
stance occur at three sites within this region. This part of the UL97 gene
was amplified from over 50 clinical isolates, and two sequencing reactions
for the coding strand were successfully used to identify GCV resistance mut
ations. This genotypic assay can be performed in 48 h using genomic DNA ext
racted from cell monolayers at very low levels of virus infectivity, thus r
apidly providing therapeutically useful results.