Considers one possible strategy for ensuring JANET's continued growth and d
evelopment, namely to introduce advertising on JANET web pages. Despite thi
s strict policy of no commercial activity on JANET, a few passive advertise
ments are in fact permitted. Research into the feasibility of advertising w
as conducted by interviewing and by questionnaire. Key players involved in
this topic and a number of JANET users were questioned. The best solution t
o the problem would be to allow Higher education institutions (HEIs) the ch
oice of paying for an advert-free JANET or receiving a free JANET with adve
rts. However, there would probably be more resistance on the part of HEIs t
o paying for JANET than keeping the service free of charge but containing a
dvertisements. Therefore, it is recommended that advertising be placed on J
ANET for a trial period. During this period, reactions from users and the H
EIs should be gathered.