Background: Many first-degree relatives of patients with schizophrenia show
deficits in clinical, neuropsychological, neurobiological and social domai
ns, in the absence of psychosis. We recently reformulated Meehl's concept o
f schizotaxia to conceptualize the liability to schizophrenia, and we propo
sed preliminary criteria based on the presence of negative symptoms and neu
ropsychological deficits. Here we investigate the concurrent validity of sc
hizotaxia by comparing a group of subjects who met criteria for schizotaxia
with a group who did not on independent measures of clinical function, and
on lifetime rates of selected comorbid psychiatric disorders.
Methods: Twenty-seven adults who were first-degree, biological relatives of
patients with schizophrenia were evaluated for schizotaxia based on our pr
edetermined criteria involving negative symptoms and neuropsychological def
icits. Subjects also received portions of the Diagnostic Interview for Gene
tic Studies, the Structured Interview for Schizotypy, the Family Interview
for Genetic Studies, the DSM-IV Global Assessment of Functioning, the Physi
cal Anhedonia Scale, the Social Adjustment Scale and the Symptom Checklist-
90-Revised. Subjects who met criteria for schizotaxia were compared with th
ose who did not on each of the clinical measures, and on their rates of com
orbid DSM-IV psychiatric diagnoses.
Results: Eight subjects met criteria for schizotaxia, and 19 did not. Subje
cts with schizotaxia showed significantly lower levels of function on each
of the clinical scales. Differences in comorbid psychiatric diagnoses were
not significant, although the rate of lifetime substance abuse diagnoses in
the schizotaxic group (50%) approached levels that are often seen in schiz
Conclusions: These findings provide the first evidence of concurrent valida
tion for a proposed syndrome of schizotaxia. They, are also consistent with
the view that the vulnerability to schizophrenia may be defined, at least
partially, although larger studies to assess both the concurrent and predic
tive validity schizotaxia will be required to confirm these results. Biol P
sychiatry 2001; 50:434-440 (C) 2001 Society of Biological Psychiatry.