Early Cretaceous unconsolidated quartz sand and kaolinitic clay deposits in
the lowlands of Nova Scotia are preserved in narrow half-grabens obscured
by glacial drift. The Chaswood Formation sediments can be subdivided into t
hree members; upper and lower members dominated by cyclical sand-mud facies
of fluvial origin and the middle member with lignitic clay of lacustrine o
rigin. Ferruginous oxisols are common in the fine-grained facies of the upp
er and lower members. Seismic data indicate that Chaswood Formation strata
in the Elmsvale Basin are deformed into steeply dipping faults and fault-re
lated folds (Rutherford Road fault zone). An Aptian-Albian age for this tec
tonic event is inferred from synsedimentary deformation and from the angula
r unconformity spanning the Late Cretaceous and Tertiary that truncates the
Chaswood Formation. Exhumation of a thick cover of Mesozoic sediment (1-2
km) is needed to account for the preservation of Chaswood Formation outlier
s after similar to 80 Ma of erosion. The half-grabens that host the Chaswoo
d Formation were formed in the Mesozoic and were antecedent to the present-
day structurally controlled lowlands.