Interleukin 7 (IL-7) and IL-12 have major roles in cell-mediated turnour im
munity. In head and neck squamous cell cancer, depressed cell-mediated immu
nity is well documented and may account for the poor prognosis. This is the
first study to assess intratumour expression of IL-7 and IL-12 in head and
neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC). Immunohistochemistry was used to identi
fy IL-7 and IL-12 expression in snap-frozen tumour specimens from 25 patien
ts with HNSCC and the results of immunohistochemical staining were semiquan
titatively graded. Both IL-7 and IL-12 were expressed in all tumour samples
and expression was not related to tumour stage or site. A trend towards be
tter survival was associated with high expression of IL-7 and IL-12, this b
eing more pronounced with IL 7. The universal expression suggests that the
depressed cell-mediated immunity in HNSCC is not caused by reduced producti
on of IL-7 and IL-12. Further studies with larger cohorts, especially of IL
-7, are certainly warranted.