Implementation of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) in a forensic or crimi
nal justice setting differs dramatically from standard outpatient DBT Foren
sic patients are multiproblem patients with violent histories and multiple
diagnoses including borderline personality disorder (BPD), antisocial perso
nality disorder (ASPD), and concomitant Axis I psychotic or mood disorders.
DBT was selected for this population because of its emphasis on treating l
ife-threatening behaviors of patients and therapy-interfering behaviors of
both patients and staff. The forensic inpatient DBT model described here in
cludes modification of agreements, targets, skills training groups, and dia
lectical dilemmas. An additional skills module, the Crime Review, was devel
oped to supplement standard DBT Conclusions and recommendations for applyin
g DBT in a forensic setting are presented.