Results from the 1994 Clementine and 1998-99 Lunar Prospector orbital missi
ons are forcing a reevaluation of existing models of the origin and evoluti
on of the Moon. Data on global topography and gravity from Clementine gravi
ty and LIDAR experiments indicate a 16 km elevation range on the farside of
the Moon and a wide range in computed crustal thickness. The data confirm
the presence of mascons under mare-filled basins and validate earlier model
s of lunar hemispherical asymmetry. High resolution global maps of FeO and
TiO2 derived from the Clementine UV-VIS data and Th maps from the Prospecto
r gamma-ray data indicate that the lunar crust and the uppermost lunar mant
le are laterally and vertically inhomogeneous on a global scale. An area of
enhanced Th (and other incompatible element) abundances, known as the Proc
ellarum KREEP Terrane (PKT), makes up approximately 16% of the nearside lun
ar surface. Although the highest Th abundances appear to be in upper crusta
l impact deposits, the close association of mare basalts with the PKT indic
ates that anomalously high Th, U, and K concentrations extend to mantle dep
ths. Anorthosites are very rare within the PKT and the pre-mare crust in th
is region is composed of breccias and pristine rocks of the magnesian-suite
and alkali-suite. The upper crust outside the PKT is anorthositic (similar
to4% FeO and <1 ppm Th) and appears to be only slightly modified from the
crust produced in the early magmasphere differentiation. A glimpse into the
lower crust is provided in the South Pole-Aitken (SP-A) basin where the up
per crust has been removed by a giant impact. The lower crust in SP-A is no
ritic in composition (FeO from 8-12%, Th from 2-4 ppm) and this material ma
y represent impact-melted crustal cumulates that originally crystallized fr
om the magma ocean. It is suggested that the enrichment in Th, and all othe
r incompatible elements, occurred early in lunar history as a consequence o
f the migration of late-stage residual melts along a pressure gradient indu
ced by impact removal or thinning of the anorthositic crust.