Phase diagrams and critical constants for the long-range corrected, the tru
ncated, and the truncated and shifted Lennard-Jones fluids with various val
ues of the potential cutoff were computed from molecular simulations. Criti
cal parameters were obtained from mixed-field finite-size scaling analysis.
Multiple histogram reweighting was used to compute the phase envelop at te
mperatures well below criticality. For the long-range corrected fluid, the
coexistence curve is systematically shifted to higher chemical potentials f
or a cutoff of 5.0 sigma compared with that for a cutoff of 2.5 sigma. The
difference in the critical temperature for the truncated and truncated and
shifted potentials decreases from 10 to 3.6% as the cutoff increases from 2
.5 sigma to 3.5 sigma. The critical temperature for the long-range correcte
d fluid is about 1.4% larger than that for the truncated fluid with a cutof
f of 5.0 sigma. The average absolute deviations of the coexistence densitie
s between the truncated and long-range corrected fluid with r(c) = 5.0 sigm
a are about 0.8 and 1% for the vapor and liquid branches, respectively. Thi
s indicates that the truncated Lennard-Jones fluid with a cutoff of 5.0 sig
ma is a reasonable quantitative approximation to the full Lennard-Jones flu
id. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.