Crossbar networks have been widely used as the interconnection mechanism in
many multiprocessor/multicomputer systems. Crossbar networks can be catego
rized into three major topological classes: full-crossbar networks, multist
age interconnection networks (MINs), and networks consisting of multiple le
vels of full crossbar connections, called hierarchical crossbar interconnec
tion networks (HCINs). A significant amount of previous work exists in the
area of performance modeling of systems with full-crossbar networks or mult
istage interconnection networks. However, performance modeling of multicomp
uter systems with HCINs has not been widely studied. This paper presents bo
th analytical and simulation models for performance evaluation of an HCIN b
ased on the commercial Mercury RACEway crossbar switch. The effective data
transfer rate for message passing is taken as the primary performance metri
c and the models predict how this metric varies with the traffic load on th
e system. The analytical results are compared to the simulation results for
different standard configurations of Mercury RACE Multicomputer Systems.