Suppose a nonlinear and nonquadratic objective function is being optimized
over a high dimensional parameter space. Often a closed-form solution does
not exist and iterative methods are employed to find a local optimum of the
function. However, algorithms designed for such high-dimensional optimizat
ion problems tend to be very slow in order to ensure reliable convergence b
ehaviors. This problem occurs frequently, for example, in training multilay
er neural networks (NNs) using a gradient-descent (backpropagation) algorit
hm. Lack of measures of algorithmic convergence force one to use ad hoe cri
teria to stop the training process. This paper first develops the ideas of
Aitken delta (2) method to accelerate the rate of convergence of an error s
equence (value of the objective function at each step) obtained by training
an NN with a sigmoidal activation function via the backpropagation algorit
hm. The Aitken method is exact when the error sequence is exactly geometric
. However, theoretical and empirical evidence suggests that the best possib
le rate of convergence obtainable for such an error sequence is log-geometr
ic (an inverse power of the epoch n). The current paper develops a new inva
riant extended-Aitken acceleration method for accelerating log-geometric se
quences. The resulting accelerated sequence enables one to predict the fina
l value of the error function. These predictions can in turn be used to ass
ess the distance between the current and final solution and thereby provide
s a stopping criterion for a desired accuracy. Each of the techniques descr
ibed in the paper is applicable to a wide range of problems. The invariant
extended-Aitken acceleration approach shows improved acceleration as well a
s outstanding prediction of the final error in the practical problems consi