The coterie join operation proposed by Neilsen and Mizuno produces, from a
k-coterie and a coterie, a new k-coterie. For the coterie join operation, t
his paper first shows 1) a necessary and sufficient condition to produce a
nondominated k-coterie (more accurately, a nondominated k-semicoterie satis
fying Nonintersection Property) and 2) a sufficient condition to produce a
k-coterie with higher availability. By recursively applying the coterie joi
n operation in such a way that the above conditions hold, we define nondomi
nated k-coteries, called tree structured k-coteries, the availabilities of
which are thus expected to be very high. This paper then proposes a new k-m
utual exclusion algorithm that effectively uses a tree structured k-coterie
, by extending Agrawal and El Abbadi's tree algorithm. The number of messag
es necessary for k processes obeying the algorithm to simultaneously enter
the critical section is approximately bounded by klog(n/k) in the best case
, where n is the number of processes in the system.