Context Installation of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) on passeng
er aircraft has been shown to improve survival of cardiac arrest in that se
tting, but the cost-effectiveness of such measures has not been proven.
Objective To examine the costs and effectiveness of several different optio
ns for AED deployment in the US commercial air transportation system.
Design, Setting, and Subjects Decision and cost-effectiveness analysis of a
strategy of full deployment on all aircraft as well as several strategies
of partial deployment only on larger aircraft, compared with a baseline str
ategy of no AEDs on aircraft (but training flight attendants in basic life
support) for a hypothetical cohort of persons experiencing cardiac arrest a
board US commercial aircraft. Estimates for costs and outcomes were obtaine
d from the medical literature, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Air
Transport Association of America, a population-based cohort of Medicare pa
tients, AED manufacturers, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Main Outcome Measures Quality-adjusted survival after cardiac arrest; costs
of AED deployment on aircraft and of medical care for cardiac arrest survi
Results Adding AEDs on passenger aircraft with more than 200 passengers wou
ld cost $35300 per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) gained. Additional AED
s on aircraft with capacities between 100 and 200 persons would cost an add
itional $40800 per added QALY compared with deployment on large-capacity ai
rcraft only, and full deployment on all passenger aircraft would cost an ad
ditional $94700 per QALY gained compared with limited deployment on aircraf
t with capacity greater than 100. Sensitivity analyses indicated that the q
uality of life, annual mortality rate, and the effectiveness of AEDs in imp
roving survival were the most influential factors in the model. In 85% of M
onte Carlo simulations, AED placement on large-capacity aircraft produced c
ost-effectiveness ratios of less than $50000 per QALY.
Conclusion The cost-effectiveness of placing AEDs on commercial aircraft co
mpares favorably with the cost-effectiveness of widely accepted medical int
erventions and health policy regulations, but is critically dependent on th
e passenger capacity of the aircraft. Placing AEDs on most US commercial ai
rcraft would meet conventional standards of cost-effectiveness.