Samples of polypropylene (PP) filled with a biodegradable additive marketed
under the Bioefect trademark, were subjected to an outdoor soil burial tes
t for 21 months. Samples were initially characterized by thermogravimetry.
The kynetics of the thermal degradation of both the carbonated chains of PP
and the additive have been studied by means of the Hirata differential met
hod and the Broido integral method. Such analysis reveals that the additive
is more affected by the degradation process than the PP matrix. Changes in
the morphology of the samples with the exposure time have been analyzed by
Differential Scanning Calorimetry, in terms of the crystalline content of
PP and its lamellar thickness distribution. The beta- and alpha -relaxation
zones of the dynamic mechanical relaxation spectra of both PP and pure Bio
efect have been characterized using the Fuoss-Kirkwood equation and a decon
volution method. The analysis of the relaxation spectra shows that the inte
rfacial and crystalline regions of the PP matrix are quite affected by the
degradation process. On the other hand, it has also been found that changes
in the crystallinity and the mechanical behavior of the samples take place
in different stages. Such an evolution can be adequately represented by po
lynomial equations. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.