The study was performed in 20 elderly patients with primary arterial h
ypertension. After a drug-free washout period, complete Doppler echoca
rdiography and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) were perfor
med. Therapy with amlodipine was subsequently begun (5 to 10 mg, once
daily) and supplemented where necessary by the addition of another ant
ihypertensive agent. After 6 months, all haemodynamic and blood pressu
re (BP) parameters were reassessed. A significant reduction was record
ed at the end of the study in both diastolic and systolic BP. These fi
ndings were confirmed by ABPM, which showed that amlodipine controlled
blood pressure over a 24-hour period without altering circadian blood
pressure rhythms. Haemodynamic studies revealed a decrease in cardiac
dimension and an improvement in left ventricular compliance. Amlodipi
ne monotherapy normalised BP levels in 75% of the patients studied and
was associated with few adverse events.