Physical management of people with spasticity is a complex task requiring t
he collaborative work of a multidisciplinary team. This article reviews som
e of the most commonly used treatment techniques and theories that lay the
framework for the physical management of spasticity Most crucial to the man
agement of the person with spasticity is the skillful application of the te
chniques and theories discussed. Given the complexity in the standardized e
valuation of children with spasticity, it is recommended that existing outc
ome measures or standardized scales be applied wherever possible as an adju
nct tool to the clinician's assessment and interventions. One must recogniz
e the benefits of such scales and their limitations. Therefore, it is recom
mended that further development of standardized assessments be supported by
funding agencies to develop both quantitative and qualitative measurement
tools that will address the particular needs of the person with spasticity.
Review of the literature supports the many interventions that are listed;
however, further research is recommended by the consensus croup.